The Most Important Stuff Ever

Sunday, October 31, 2004

El Dia De Los Muertos

Happy Halloween, and welcome to the countdown. There are approximately two days until all hell begins to break loose. Popular vote versus electoral college and extremists running rampant through the cities speaking out against both candidates, all coming very soon.
Since it is the season of scary, I've decided that it is once again List Time. Enjoy the content:

Things That Scare Me: A Partial List
  1. Roller coasters- I have't met a decent one yet.
  2. The Supreme Court. To be specific, Rhenquist, Scalia, and Thomas. O'Connor makes me uncomfortable. I haven't met a decent justice yet.
  3. Constitutional Amendments. Even number 19 and the fact that it's nineteenth on the list of things we need to clarify. Shouldn't that be somewhere nearer to, say second? (We don't need that arms thing anyway.)
  4. Wolves. Apparently they are giving us more trouble than even the terrorists. Just ask that commercial paid for by the Republican National Committee.
  5. The phrase, "and I endorse this message."
Good luck to all who are handing out candy during this election season.


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