The Most Important Stuff Ever

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

It is 20 minutes until 7:00. I just arrived home from work to eat something. I intend to go back there when I am done eating. Is it ok if I eat part of this cheeseball from before Christmas? If it's not ok, is it because it might be bad, or is it because it might be pathetic?

UPDATE: 10: 23pm: I opted out of the cheeseball, however I put it back in the refridgerator for some reason. I'm giving it another chance, I guess. I am home now from the office, for what I beleive to be the night, but at this rate who knows.


  • isn't cheese like wine? better with age? maybe not...if anything, you'll just have some bleu cheese when all is said and done and you can sprinkle it on a nice side salad. ;)

    By Blogger ck, at 3:55 PM  

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