The Most Important Stuff Ever

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

A Bunch of Shit You Don't Care About

First of all, tragic hipster, I know that you looked at this page at 9:33 this morning, and yes, I'm stalking you back...
That said, I forgot that I was going to write about my weekend, there being drugs involved. Now that I have your attention, let me get it again; there weren't drugs but there was drinking to excess. Now it wasn't excess in the terms of the excess that would happen in college. I did not wake up the next morning thirsty and poopy, but really just felt like I hadn't gotten enough sleep. I went over to co-worker Carly's house for some fun and we ended up buying some bacardi and coke and watching the SAG awards. (Congrats to that guy from Law and Order who's wife did his acceptance speech beautifully.) We played Friends Trivia and made it into a game which we were both too awesome at (because apparently I know every detail of every friend's life) so we altered the rules to be that if your opponent got a question right, you had to drink. We eventually turned on Almost Famous, which I haven't previously seen (which is odd, since it has hippies and I happen to collect hippies and was once a hippy). I drank some more really quick and ended up spilling a major secret to her that I'd been dying to tell her anyway. This secret happens to be none of your business, unless of course you're amazing and you're involved in the secret (that is a direct shout out to you pumpkin), in which case, you already know what the secret is and should just forget this entire post.
Anyway, I ended up going home and not doing anything and then waking up the next day to some sort of Mythbusters marathon which was totally freaking awesome. I can't believe how much trouble a toaster in your bathtub could cause (myth confirmed!!).
Then there was the Super Shitty Bowl which was perhaps the most boring football game of all time. Even Paul McCartney was boring except for when he was playing Hey Jude (and that song is worth and entire post to itself). We didn't even drink on Sunday. But we did have Taco Bell (second time all weekend- sick!) which is sorta the same.
Ok, I'm posting this shit without reading over it OR spell checking.


  • The only thing I have to say is...I have nothing to say at all.

    That mysterious blogger that just won't go away.

    Yo B why you say this

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:18 PM  

  • Somehow....I always knew you were a druggie

    Although our time was had the tell tale signs of addiction

    And I knew it...oh yes...i knew it

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:19 PM  

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