The Most Important Stuff Ever

Sunday, June 19, 2005

You Thought I Was Ignoring You!

I can only justify doing this if I consider it to be somewhat productive.
Heres my to-do list...
  1. Clean off desk
  2. Clean out files
  3. Make sense of files
  4. Finish "how to do my job" document for L & M
  5. Give away clothes
  6. Throw away crap I have not seen in three years
  7. Throw away any other crap- create at least 190 pounds of garbage
  8. Find boxes
  9. Go to Planned Parenthood (no worries)
  10. Get new ID
  11. Get passport- maybe
  12. Start schedules for next 3 or so weeks
  13. Pack kitchen
  14. Pack living room
  15. Pack bedroom
  16. Pack bathroom
  17. Pack closets
  18. Do something about bike
  19. Get giant suitcase that fits entire wardrobe
  20. Find apartment
  21. Find part time job if necessary
  22. Learn how to use the Metro
Not an exhaustive list even though I tried to keep it broad. I can see there's a lot ahead of me. I'm flying out to stay with friends and find an apartment on July 6- can I get this done?


  • the only thing you need to know about riding the metro is this...the Target is at the VERY END of the red line and it will take approx. 45 minutes to get there.

    wait...also, in the mornings, i'm pretty sure there is a rule that everyone has to read a Harry Potter book in the most uncomfortable position imaginable, no matter how many people are crammed in the car. the best scenario i've seen is the one where they pin the book against the ceiling with their arms. this allows you to hold yourself up during any unplanned stops.

    By Blogger Class of 2000 officers, at 7:31 AM  

  • OK, this is key- Target is very important. Which end of the red line, Glenmont or Shady Grove???? God, adulthood is so difficult...

    By Blogger Megan, at 4:19 PM  

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