The Most Important Stuff Ever

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

My Adventures in the Real World

Let's face it, no matter what you do, the first week of work totally blows. You could love everything about your job, but until you know how to do it, it's absolutely miserable, and 5pm can not come soon enough.

Started my new job this week- Monday was a very important day of signing one paper and meeting several people then heading home after an hour. Tuesday was a different story. The group from California was in town for a meeting, so obviously, in my first three hours of work, I sat in taking notes. I have only ever taken notes for Campus Programming Board. And maybe Show Choir. I had no idea what they were talking about (what is it with the corporate world and their acronyms?) so I wrote down everything that I could. Reminded me a lot of college. After that, I was relieved by the woman I am replacing (she's still around for another month so that I get training) only to sit for the rest of the day with pretty much nothing else to do. I explored the company website.

Today was slightly better in that there was a little bit more structured training. I actually got a job description and started on some online training modules. I have so much to look forward to tomorrow.

I finally felt like I belonged in the city today. I left for work and got in the elevator with four other people who were dressed exactly like me. I walked to the train and sat with other people who got off at the same stop (or a stop or two before) as me. I took lunch in a break room. I couldn't get onto the first train home because it was too busy, and when I finally did get on, I had to stand the whole 25 minute ride home. I have a plastic badge with my picture that I wear on my belt and I sit in an office area that is essentially a classified cubicle. The only thing that was missing from my day was a conversation around the water cooler about last night's episode of Big Brother.

I am an adult... until happy hour.


  • Hang in there. I just started a new job about 5 months ago, and I hated almost every waking moment of my first month. Now five months later it is far and away the best job I've ever had, and I literally often times whistle as I work (yeah, I suspect people may not like me). Good luck!

    By Blogger seibu1, at 8:21 PM  

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