The Most Important Stuff Ever

Monday, January 09, 2006

Jesus Often Kissed Her On The - -

Or so Philip would have you believe in his gospel.

There are, of course, lots of things in the world that aren't fair. The Church has characterized Mary Magdalene as a prostitute (when she was really a disciple) for so long, that no one will ever understand her truth- and all because of some sort of mysogynism. I have an incurable (and, at best, mildly treatable) chronic illness. My friend, born into poverty, fights to remain in a country that doesn't want him. My other friend, placed on this earth to love children, lost her baby today. None of these things can be compared to the other, but it is the times when life is so obviously unfair that make me question the purpose of a world and a life where the wrong things make too much of a name for themselves.

There is nothing I could say or feel that would begin to explain this, describe it, or rectify it. I have no words of wisdom, nor do I have any special insights. Sometimes I curse life. What is there to learn from this?


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