The Most Important Stuff Ever

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Meet Me At the Revolution: How to Recover From a Brutal Loss

I just returned from an open forum on racisim and hate crimes. It was in response to two incidents of ignorant graffiti (swastikas, racial slurs, etc.) scribbled in two different buildings on two different days. For obvious reasons, many students are upset, and two particularly pro-active ones organized the open forum in response. I estimate that the slightly under 200 person crowd emerged two and a half hours later a little bit more well-informed, a little bit more conscious, and a little bit more energized. While many made remarks out of ignorance, many more made thoughtful comments founded in fact and experience. Some people who didn't know what to think at the beginning of the week are now forming opinionson their own, all thanks to two students who took it upon themselves to stop blaming "The Administration" and do something.
All night last night I dreamt about what I would do if I got my hands on George. All day long I whined, mulled and bitched about the results of the election. I am hurt, disappointed, fearful and angry. Results of the local election even upset me. I declared that the only thing good about yesterday was that my period started. At least I'm not pregnant.
In my day-long exploration of responses and evaluations of the elections, I read about a lot of frustrations. I also read messages of hope.

While there will be tests for us ahead, we are prepared and we are ready. Our hearts will mend and our spirits will only grow stronger. Thank you again for your amazing efforts. Many thanks,
(Cheryl A. Jacques
President, Human Rights Campaign)

There is no way we are going to win this war, or even win a battle, if we don't work together. At the March for Women's Lives, we saw the strength of our numbers, our commitment, and our determination to take a stand. So let's make our voices heard.
(Planned Parenthood 11/2/04)

We will keep marching toward that one America and we're not going to stop until we get there. (APPLAUSE) You know, I've learned a lot of lessons in my life. Two of the most important are first, there will always be heartache and struggle. You can't make it go away. But the other is that people of good and strong will can make a difference. And we can make a difference. Rest assured, we will make a difference. One lesson is a sad lesson, but the other lesson is inspiring. And we are Americans, and so we choose to be inspired. We choose to be inspired because we know we can do better, because this is America, where everything is still possible.
(John Edwards 11/2/04)

And John Kerry:

I am making a promise now, here in writing. Had the presidential election gone a different way, the fight would still be on. Since it has gone this way, the fight is just going to be different. I promise to keep being in that fight, and I promise to do more for it.
So take that Mr. President, you only made me cry for one day. Now, as the great John Paul Jones once said, "I have not yet begun to fight."


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