The Most Important Stuff Ever

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Of Conferences and Collisions

Just got back from a conference in Cleveland- Great Lakes Association of College and University Housing Officers, to be exact. I'm tired and overly professionally developed. I could go months now without any contact with other professionals in the field and be ok. Oh wait, there's a different conference coming up next Monday. Where does the time go.
Conferences are weird. There seems to be a lot of forced interactions, fake excitement about programming and weird levels of being tired versus being drunk. When I was a kid in college (three years ago, so what) it used to be that you "hooked up" with people when you went to conferences. Now that I go to these things with adults, no one hooks up (to my knowlege) but they certainly do their share of drinking. For an organization of people whose careers practically revolve around teaching college students how to be responsible adults, we sure can go crazy with the alcohol. In fact, I'm still wasted from Monday night as I write this.
Just kidding, grandma.
I'm going to go crash on the couch; collide with Napdom, Sleepy Town, and/or Dream Land.


  • After you posted a comment on my blog, I'm strangely addicted to yours.

    I've told friends!

    Is it an Ohio thing?

    By Blogger seibu1, at 10:14 PM  

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