The Most Important Stuff Ever

Friday, February 18, 2005

Athens Wasn't Built In a Day

I'm heading south this weekend to visit good friend Sarah at OU. I probably haven't seen Sarah since maybe The March last April, so I'd wager it's been almost a year since that girl and I laid eyes on each other. Sarah and I went through some wellness problems together our senior year in college and spent a lot of time on the couch together at The Women's House where we lived. When I moved into the house, a few of my friends were skeptical about how well Sarah and I would get along, given her bright personality and my don't-take-crap bad attitude. Surprising to them (though not me) we got along just fine, and in fact, ended up having a lot in common. We developed plans for a comedy talk show and she spoke to me in Spanish while I answered her in English.
Eventually, we graduate and I ended up at The College of Wooster for an internship and a job as a Residence Director. My first day of RA training a large fellow with very long hair approached me. (I'm not going to lie, he was possibly the first person I noticed- you would understand if you've ever met him.) "I'm John Overholt," he said, which surprised me. I had heard that name before, and what are the chances of there being two people with that name? "You lived with my sister," he said, and just like that, I became a part of the Overholt family- one that has been extended to many a feminist and many an international student. I was John's supervisor at the time, but when his family came to visit him, they invited me to dinner, and when John's appendix exploded last year, I helped his mom and Sarah do his laundry. Sarah's mom joined us in D.C. and always asks about my health. They're a crazy family, and I haven't met the youngest one yet, but there is always an adventure to be had when any of them are around.
So John and I are hopping on a 3 hour tour to Athens, Ohio this evening. His birthday was last week and he wants to celebrate with his sister- I just happen to be in the same vicinity, so I get to go too. Oddly enough, I received a letter from OU today inviting me to an interview in two weeks for an Assisstantship for next year. (I am complacent.) Coincidence? I think not.
Here's to the weekend, and the old/always-kind-of-friends.


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