The Most Important Stuff Ever

Monday, January 16, 2006

"It Wasn't Very Civil of You To Sit Down Without Being Invited" said the March Hare.

OK, that last thing was uncalled for, I know, but I wanted to see if a movie would actually post on my 'blog. Dang.
I love technology, but not as much as you you see...

Ok, the real reason I'm here is to tell you about a cultural anomally I experienced this Saturday. I went to a tea party.I wasn't aware that people still had these things, but apparently they still exist. It's funny, I haven't been to a tea party since... I don't have teddy bears any more. My friend J's mother and sister are apparently really "in to" tea. Her sister got her mom one of those three tiered contraptions to hold your scones and crumpets for Christmas and J brought back some tea leaves (and a picture of Mr. Darcy) when she was in London. I guess you can be "in to" tea in ways other than Starbucks employees are "in to" tea, and it happened on Saturday.

OK, so it wasn't high tea, because we didn't eat a lot of food (high tea is apparently like having a meal with tea) and it was apparently too early for tea (that's supposed to be at around 4:00 and this was at 1) but everything else was completely accurate. Except for the digital cameras. Anyway, we wore skirts and some people had broaches (seriously) and there were tiny sandwiches and british cheese that went on bread that tasted like cardboard with soil on it. I drank about five cups of tea (because I do like tea, but not necessarily to the point that I'm "in to" it) since tea cups are significantly smaller than a tall chai tea latte at, you know, that shop.

So anyway, I was at a tea party.


  • haha, this was a great post. I don't think I am "in to" tea either, but I am a fan.

    By Blogger seibu1, at 10:27 AM  

  • I didn't know you guys liked TEA! we should go to hays-adam or the lafayette hotel for late lunch/afternoon tea. for business. ahem.

    this is my third comment in two days. I have this new thing going, called, "procrastination."

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:31 AM  

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