The Most Important Stuff Ever

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Call Me Ishmael

21 March 2006 6:46pm

Very many people out of the office today either in a retreat to repair executive spats or traveling in California, so work was spent mostly deleting emails (after they were read, settle down killer) and reading blogs and the (same thing, right?) We ordered in lunch for all of the assistants, but the few big guys that were there mooched also. I never felt guilty once for all my laziness today, not even once. J was looking at flights to Paris and debating whether or not it was worth saving 200 bucks by taking a connecting flight- something I'm certain I will never worry about as the opportunity to travel to Paris seems highly unlikely. We'll see. Been thinking of NA lately - weird - hasn't been around for a while. Slept through the night uninterrupted last night.

Made up dinner yesterday based on what I thought was probably a good recipe for alfredo sauce. I've never made that, but made a good effort for my shrimp/fresh basil/dry oregano on vermicelli last night. E said it was great, but there is no telling what that really means since he was probably starving and would have eaten poop if I had dressed it up nice enough. R said I should not give up on Cloud Atlas so I'm going to give it a chance and hope that the story really does get better. Here's hoping.

Plans? to see Capote on Friday after work with perhaps a little pre-show dinner.
I still want a puppy.


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