What I Do
Me: What should I do this evening? ...besides a load of laundry...
E: Two loads of laundry?
And so it begins, another season of the dreaded Summer Conferences. Today was the official first day of hell, strike that, reverse it- Summer Conferences, I meant to say, meaning that I start my routine of bouncing around from one office to the next every day until I explode. It's not as exciting as it sounds- part of my job is to be the "Residence Hall Coordinator" for Summer Conferences and general scheduling bitch/office bitch/Physical Plant contact person. It's icky, and definitely not the reason I get up each day. A positive is that I get to supervise and get to know six sudents who are members of our crew, and even more of a bitch than I am. They get to do the dirty sweaty work out "in the field" while we sit around in the AC and tell them what to do. Fortunately, we usually get a pretty good crop of students (it's a highly desired campus job because it pays well) and they don't usually complain too much. I like them. They're about the only positive thing.
10 Things That I Hate About My Job During the Summer
- Moving from one office to the next- mornings in one building, afternoons in the other.
- Keeping track of information/paperwork/phone calls at two different desks/computers.
- Not knowing what's going on in either office since I'm never around.
- Not getting t do the work my way so that when there's a mistake (which I probably anticipated) I have to bust my butt to put the fire out.
- One particular person who becomes more and more difficult to work with each year that I've tried it- I'm not kidding, this person is so disorganized that it affects the work I do.
- Not being able to be in charge enough to "fix" what I want, but being in charge enough that I get blamed for stuff anyway.
- Really, really boring days.
- Really, really long days.
- I actually miss the RA staff.
- No vacations- it's my busy time of the year, but everyone else is taking time off. Sad face.