The Most Important Stuff Ever

Thursday, December 23, 2004

You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!

A list of Holiday Things To Look Forward To
(or Something to Do While I Wait for the Weather to Stop So I Can Leave)
  • An end in sight to the Old Navy commericals to the tune of "Deck the Halls"
  • Black snow (a phenomenon many Ohio people understand)
  • 24 Hours of TBS on Christmas Day
  • Cookies
  • Sales!
  • Dogs eating snow
  • Build your own igloo in the back yard
  • Those metallic "ice cicles" from the tree all over the damn house
  • Pine needles all over the damn house
  • Egg nog, and by that I mean egg nog is gross, bring out the wine
  • Ham, hashbrown casserole, and deli trays
  • Opening presents, who cares what's in them, just open it!!
  • The debate on Lou Dobbs Tonight last night about whether or not it is fair to require employees of department stores to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"
  • Not going to work
There could be more, and maybe I'll add it as I think of it. For now, I'm sitting around waiting for the weather to go away. If you don't hear from me for a while- again, assume I'm trapped under something heavy, OR, the more likely, assume I'm either in Dayton, Cincinnatti, or Denver.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Time, Why You Punish Me?

He's gonna topple over any second!

Time magazine has named President Bush the Person, or should we just forget the niceties and say "Man," of the Year.
I think we all know where to go from here.

p.s. Picture cortesy of, title courtesy of Hootie and the Blowfish. Coincidence? I think not!

On A Scale of 1-3, This is an EIGHT!

Shit. I would have posted sooner, but my fingers were frozen, my computer was covered in snow drifts taller than me (so at least 5-foot-THREE-inches!) and I was trapped under a pile of heavy holiday gifts!
Yep it's that time again. Get all your crap together, enough for two weeks, to go endure the torturous holiday season. As if Thanksgiving wasn't enough, they've gone and invented Christmas now so that you have to do it all over again within a months time. And to top it all off, the weather is a huge let down. We had three inches by noon up here in Wooster and I imagine by the end of the night we'll have no less than 8. Not that I should be complaining because at least it's not ice, and at least the wind isn't blowing. Whatever. The difference between 45 degrees and -15 is one layer.
I am cranking up some Norah Jones and locking myself inside for the night to work on gift wrapping, laundry and emptying the trash. If you don't hear from me in the next 48 hours, I'm trapped under something heavy again. Call the republicans and tell them I'll be out next June.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Addiction is a Tricky Thing

p.s. I think I am becoming addicted to that Norah Jones CD. What am I to you, Norah?

The Good, The Bad, and the Friggin' Crazy

The Good news is that I found out someone who I suspected was crazy, is, in fact, crazy. The Good news is that it doesn't mean that things were being done on purpose but because he is, in fact, crazy. The Good news is that I can now define a relationship. The Good news is that it's not me who's in the f-ed up relationship this time. The Good news is that no mistakes were ever made, nor will they have the chance to be. The Good news is that I think I can be more fun now. The Good news is that I had the ovaries to ask the question.

there isn't any bad news involved, i don't think.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

If You Build It

tomato table

Friday, December 10, 2004

Re: The Holidays

To: Divorced Parents
From: The Girl and The Boy (your children)
Re: The Holidays
Cc: Grandma, Auntie, and Uncle & Family

It has come to our attention that since the recent dissolution of your marriage to each other that the holidays have become quite a pain in our asses. Until 2002, our family of four, while not doing what's known as "well," was greatly disrupted when you decided to stop living together. As I was still in college at the time, and my brother was still in high school, we were unable to determine "which end was up."

Since both of you refused to remain mature about the subject, and at least one person in the family must do so, I took on that role, being the one who did not have their head stuck up their ass. Since that time, it is my belief that I have remained in this role, but have been joined by my brother and on occasion the two of you. Fortunately, Grandma and Auntie have been consistently calm and supportive of our family situation.

Despite this, we would like to express our concern with the current situation. While the two of you are happy as pie, the two of us are stuck with the notion and logistics of being the children of divorce. In order to further enjoy life in our family, particularly the holidays, we are making the following demands:

1. Move closer together. We don't care where, but the hour drive between your two homes is getting annoying, especially when we are expected to be at dinner or another event by a certain time. As well, in many cases we have both traveled 2 1/2 hours to get to the first location/event.
2. Stop talking about how bad each other sucks. Your opinion ceased to count when you got divorced.
3. We will not attend two events in one day. We will attend one (1) Thanksgiving meal and one (1) Christmas event, including but not limited to the Christmas Eve service, opening presents (this is encouraged to occur frequently, but not on the same day), breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, and/or holiday sale shopping.
4. A total of one (1) bed and one (1) air mattress option will be available at each home. It is not necessary that a room is kept available at each location, however it is strongly encouraged that a room is left available at at least one location for The Boy, who has not graduated from college.
5. Do not ask what the other is doing/saying/buying/wearing/earning/etc. Your right to this information was waived upon your divorce, so give it up.

Given the concession to the above items, we feel that the family can once again function in some resemblance of normalcy. If you have questions or concerns about these terms, please feel free to contact me or my brother.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

They're Shifting Geography

I just heard that they are thinking of selling the Cleveland Cavs.
I couldn't be happier.
Get all that shitty basketball, and more specifically that King James kid as far away from me as possible. They can go hit each other in KansASS...
I hate winter because (among other things) the sports in this country blow, so I won't be sorry to see a basketball team LEAVE the area. I simply don't like the sport and all the money and cheating and raping that's involved. (To be fair, this is true of most professional sports- name one that isn't, I don't know if I can- but none of those other sports are as un-entertaining as Basketball.)
So there, Cavs, I blasted you in my 'blog which is read by one person.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Can You Tell I'm 25 And That I Live Alone?

I thought my "shopping list" of things to pick up at the drug store was funny:
  1. Birth control
  2. three-way light bulbs
  3. 4 gifts for office "Festivus Friend"
  4. Brownie mix
  5. Swiffer things
  6. Drop off film
Well here we go then...

Friday, December 03, 2004

You Only Get Mad When It's Personal

You're making me very annoyed.
I have been very patient with your still living with your ex-girlfriend crap (which by the way is one of the most unhealthy places to be, I remember it well) but I've had enough. I'm going at my relationship with you as a "not gonna be your girlfriend" kind of thing, and being annoyed with you is ruining that because you can't just be having fun with someone when you keep getting so mad at them.
I'm not telling you this because I'm asking you to change, I'm telling you because I'm venting, so don't think I'm being a bitch. I don't like being mad at you because it makes me think that I'm getting mad because my feelings are hurtand my feelings are hurt because I like you. And I don't want to like you because for one thing you are not boyfriend material and for another you aren't good enough for me.
So up yours, lame-o.

How Can They Sleep?

Suffice it to say that because of the recent elction, appointments to the president's cabinet, and state legislation, politics have been on my mind in a bad way. Things seem to be going terribly lately, and I'm not sure if I can take much more.
Then, standing in line at the Java Hut for lunch today, I come to find out that there is a tomato crisis! What is the world coming to? Apparently some pretty evil frost(let's call it a Weapon of Mass Frostage- WMF) has attacked most of the crops and the food industry is having fits.
My question is, why haven't I heard about this already? Why did the president not interrupt Oprah to let me know? Why hasn't the College president sent us a memo to console us and ask us to unite behind the crisis? Why am I getting my tomato news from the cart that sells me coffee and take-away lunches???
I don't know how people will sleep peacefully knowing there is some fruit/vegetable (let's not even go into that identity crisis) world issue involving WMF...